Rules for Taking Hypertension Drugs to Maintain Blood Pressure
When blood pressure rises, doctors usually prescribe antihypertensive drugs. There are rules for taking hypertension medication so that blood pressure is maintained.
When blood pressure rises, doctors usually prescribe antihypertensive drugs. There are rules for taking hypertension medication so that blood pressure is maintained.
In addition to prescribing medication, the doctor will definitely ask you to make lifestyle changes.
The American Heart Association says that hypertension drugs need to be taken regularly and regularly, according to the dose and time determined by the doctor in order to work optimally.
If you don't take it according to the rules, for example skipping a day's medication or reducing or increasing your dose, your blood pressure will not be well controlled.
It can increase the risk of other diseases, such as heart failure or kidney failure.
Drink according to the right dose and time
Most hypertension drugs are only taken once a day, ie in the morning or evening. Doctors determine when to take this hypertension drug depending on your peak high blood pressure.
Generally, blood pressure will be higher in the morning until noon, while at night and while sleeping, blood pressure will be lower.
However, in the elderly or those aged over 55 years, generally blood pressure remains high even though it has entered the night.
Antihypertensive drugs are usually taken in the morning, namely diuretics. While high blood pressure drugs are generally taken at night, namely angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs).
Conditions that cause high blood pressure medication to be ineffective
In some cases, hypertension drugs from doctors become ineffective and do not work. Instead of being controlled, his blood pressure continued to rise during the next blood pressure check.
The following are possible conditions that cause the hypertension medication you are taking does not work on you:
White coat syndrome, which is a condition when a person experiences high blood pressure when around doctors or other medical personnel.
Even though taking medication, a person with this condition will still experience an increase in blood pressure when checking around a doctor.
Do not take medication as directed by the doctor.
Making mistakes when checking blood pressure.
Implement an unhealthy diet.
Sedentary or active smokers.
Taking certain drugs that interfere with the work of hypertension drugs or called drug interactions.
Other medical conditions you have that affect your blood pressure.
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